gold coast tourism

Tourism in Gold Coast is Booming

The tourism industry in Gold Coast has just posted a double digit growth in 2016 thanks to the growing Asian market.

Visitors from Taiwan posted a 77% growth, but the key market for Gold Coast remains to be China which accounts for 28% of total international visitors, which in itself an improvement over last year’s share of 24%.

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gold coast wnter attractions

Winter Attractions in Gold Coast

Winter is fast approaching and because Gold Coast winters are relatively warm and pleasant, you can be sure that the airport will once again be abuzz with travellers coming in to make the most of the mild weather and visit one of the most popular destinations in Queensland.

Gold Coast attracts an average of 10.5 million visitors a year, generating up to $4.4 billion a year in revenue. With that amount of people coming in, parking could be scarce around the city, especially in the most popular tourist destinations. This is why it may make sense to just leave your car at the airport and use public transportation to get around.

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items banned in airport

5 Weird Items You Didn’t Know Were Banned In the Airport

Planning for your next big trip can be exciting, especially when we have not been able to travel for so long. However it can also be stressful knowing what to pack or what not to pack and with the Christmas season almost upon us, you need to make sure you’re not caught out with banned products or gifts in your bag at the airport.

You probably know you’re not allowed to bring more than 100ml of liquid products, weapons of any kind or illegal substances to the airport. However, you may be surprised to know that the below 5 items will get you in trouble if caught with them at the airport:

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brisbane airport

What to Do in the Brisbane Airport While in Transit

Ever had to stopover an airport and wait hours for your connecting flight? make plans for your extended stay to pass the time faster.

Staying at Brisbane Airport

People stopover at Brisbane Airport all the time and if the transfer gets delayed or the stop is deliberately more than a couple of hours, boredom and frustration creep in fairly fast. To make sure that you don’t end up wanting to pull your hair off if this happens to you, here are a few things you can do in the Brisbane Airport.

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new travel lingo

New Travel Linggo: Yay or Nay?

Do you know all of the new travel vocab? No? Then let’s get you in and hip with the kids.

The travel industry loves made-up words. They make for clever niche marketing spins. Some of them are cute, and some of them make you want to bang your head against the wall. I’ll let you decide:

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no food or drink allowed

Snacking Before Flights, You’ve Been Doing It Wrong

You’re probably familiar with jet lag but did you know that jet bloat is an actual thing? Me neither. PRweb says that your body increases its volume of gas because of the difference in air pressure that occurs from airline travel.

Think about it this way: the higher you are above ground, the more gas expands in your body. When you become gassy in a confined space, you’re not the only one who’ll experience discomfort.

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5 Alternative Accommodation Options You Should Try

You’re planning your next summer trip, but you’re on a tight budget. Good thing you have plenty of options when it comes to affordable accommodations. If hotels and apartment rentals are out of your reach, you still have plenty of other choices. Check out this list of alternative accommodations that’ll help you make the most of your budget.

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