travel insurance

What to Look For in a Travel Insurance

The season for holiday-making is here and people are beginning to get into the grunt of their travel planning. There’s flights, travel money cards, accommodation and airport parking to organise! There is also the matter of travel insurance. It may not be the most exciting part of planning your journey, but could be considered as essential. If something does go unexpectedly wrong while you’re travelling, your travel insurer can guide you and provide cover for unexpected emergency expenses.

But not just any policy will do. Travel insurance can vary in what it offers you, so there are a couple of things to look for when choosing your policy.

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stress free christmas

5 Car Tips For A Stress-Free Christmas

‘Tis the season to be jolly and you can finally whip out that wad of cash you’ve been saving up since January. Christmas time is here and it’s time for you to get those togs out (that’s bathers, swimmers, or swimsuits to non-QLD folk), fire up the BBQ, and start building a sand snowman. Cheeky, I know.

Although it’s the most wonderful time of the year, things can get from wondrous and magical to stressful and exhausting if you’re not prepared.  Before you head out to do some Christmas shopping, deliver gifts, help the needy, or just kick back during a well-deserved holiday; here are a few car tips for a stress-free Christmas.

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Beat the Heat at Any of Melbourne’s Top Swimming Spots

Summer’s almost here, and what’s the best way to cool down than a refreshing dip in a swimming hole? Now many of us think of Gold Coast Holidays for summer vacations. However, tucked away along the shores of Australia’s Art Capital–Melbourne, are some fabulous summer hot spots for swimming and summer fun. Plus, you have lots of options here. From beaches, lakes, to indoor pools, you don’t have to travel far to cool off this summer. The only thing you have to worry about is finding a good spot that’s not too crowded. Check out these amazing swimming holes in and around Melbourne.

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hang out in south bank

One Fun, FREE, and Fantastic Place to Hang Out In South Bank

When you travel to a new place, visiting a library would be the furthest thing from your mind. More so when you go to a place like South Bank, Brisbane where the entire place is just buzzing with culture and lifestyle. We prefer going to the lush parklands, famous eateries, ritzy river views, and stylish retailers.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with this but when you have a limited budget and an extra day during your holiday, you’re going to need some free entertainment. If you’re looking for something different but fab, fun, and (more importantly) free, head out to the State Library of Queensland!

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melbourne cup

Enjoy Lots of On and Off-the-Track Action at the Melbourne Cup

Can’t wait for the Melbourne Cup on November 3? It has and continues to be a part of Australian history, with the first ever Cup not yet “stopping the nation” in 1861. The crowd at that time was just 4000, which was a far cry to today’s track attendance. In 2003, a record total of 122,736 people attended the event, not to mention everybody else who was tuned in. It’s also one of the richest turf races in the world. The total prize money for the 2015 Cup is AUS $6.2 million. This doesn’t even include the value of the trophies, which is currently valued at AUS $175,000.00. Aside from the heart-racing action on the track and the huge cash prizes, you can also expect plenty of good food, fun, and fashion.

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gold coast

Why You Should Head to the Gold Coast in November

Do you love the beach but not the hordes of people that take up the entire coastline? You might want to head out to Goldy this NovemYou have a few weeks of Spring left and the water and weather are starting to heat up. It’s nice and toasty in good old Goldy, but that’s not even the best part. November is the perfect time for you to head out to the Gold Coast because it’s a shoulder season.

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relaxing holiday

Enjoy Some Me-time With These Holiday Ideas

Is stress starting to take a toll on you? Before things get worse, give yourself a break and go on a relaxing holiday. If you don’t know what to do or where to go, check out our list of favourite things to do whenever we need some R&R. So say goodbye to those long hours at work, sleepless nights, and a hectic lifestyle even for just a few days with these holiday ideas.

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public access golf courses

Go From Fore to Score in These Public Access Golf Courses

Seemingly endless fields of green. Crisp air blowing through. Yards and yards of mental and physical challenges. Bobby Jones once said that “Golf is the closest game to the game we call life.” Perhaps this is why so many of us get addicted to the sport. Every shot is an opportunity to get a good break, although it doesn’t always turn out that way. No matter what happens and wherever your ball lies, you have to just keep playing and aiming for the green. The next day you have to go back to the very first tee, play the game and try to aim for that birdie (or albatross if you’re really ambitious) all over again.

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