
Fly Smart: How to Stay Healthy on a Plane

Want to avoid getting sick on a plane? Of course, you do! Nothing sucks more than being stuck in a confined space with lots of passengers and not knowing whether they’re carrying some sort of contagious disease.

You’ve probably had your fair share of frightening tales about how easy it is to get infected by unknowingly touching any surface that’s contaminated with germs. So, if you want to stay disease-free when travelling by air, check out these tips we’ve listed below.

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travel suitcase

Tips to Help You with Your New Year Travel Resolutions

Writing a list of new year’s resolutions is easy, but keeping them is another story. Unfortunately, many of us fail after attempting to do so in a few weeks or a month. However, let’s admit that these new year resolutions can put a lot of pressure on us, and we’re not obligated to make them in the first place. That’s why we need all the help we can get.

So, if you’re determined to travel more in 2019, below are several tips you can follow to help increase your chances of success and not spend too much.

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changes in air travel 2018

Expected Air Travel Changes this 2018

Travelling was once considered a luxury. Families would plan their vacation at least a year in advance to save and make their itineraries as best they could. Today, with the rise of discount fares and budget-vacations, more and more people can go on their dream vacations at a fraction of the cost.

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santa claus stands by red convertible

Best Gift Ideas for People Who Love to Travel

We all have at least one person in our social circle who does a lot of travelling. With Christmas just around the corner, it can get overwhelming to find a suitable present for our loved ones.

However, you can save yourself a lot of time and reduce the holiday stress with these gift suggestions for your friends and family who love to travel.

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Top Destinations for 2018

For avid travellers, there is always somewhere to go. Whether it’s the beach, hiking up a mountain or just seeing cities you’ve only read about as a child, exploring places and so much more.

But now that the year is coming to a close, it is now time to plan where you want to go next. Will you climb Mt. Everest? Or will you finally walk the entire length of the Great Wall of China? Check out this article to get a better idea of where to go for your next adventure in 2018.

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